Wellington Chartered Accountant Richard Simpson joins Research For Life Board
Wellington Chartered Accountant Richard Simpson has accepted an invitation to join the Research for Life board.
Research For Life’s chairman Prof. John Nacey said, “Richard is an experienced and highly respected financial advisor and brings complementary skills to our board. He is enthusiastic about not only contributing to Research For Life but to
Richard, who is a partner in Grant Thornton’s Financial Advisory Services team, is retiring from that position at the end of the year. He served as a member of the Grant Thornton board for 12 years and has been a partner since 1981. Richard has also been either the chair or a board member of a number of private companies.
“Having stepped down from being a partner of Grant Thornton, Richard is looking forward to becoming actively involved in Research For Life in a governance capacity and as a member of the board’s Finance and Investment sub-committee.”
Richard has a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration from Victoria University of Wellington, is a Chartered Accountant (CA) of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, a Member of the Institute of Directors, and a Member of the Restructuring & Insolvency Turnaround Association of NZ. He is also a member of the Disciplinary Tribunal for the NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants.
He joins existing Trustees Peter Barker, Professor Brett Delahunt, Dr Rebecca Grainger, Dr Lance Lawler, Rob McGregor, Professor John Nacey and Gaeline Phipps.
Established in 1960, Research For Life funds innovative quality research undertaken by researchers in the early stages of their careers.
This year, Research for Life made 11 research grants and 10 travel grants worth $203,698 in total. Recent projects funded included research into the basic understanding of cancer, kidney disease and conditions of particular concern in the Wellington region, such as asthma. Grant recipients were from several Wellington institutions including the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Biological Sciences, the University of Otago’s Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Massey University Wellington and ESR (The Institute of Environmental Science and Research).
“While Research For Life’s primary role is to provide grants to young and emerging researchers who undertake medical and biomedical research that is vital to
About Research For Life
Research For Life is the public face of the Wellington Medical Research Foundation.
Our Mission
Supporting innovative quality research with a focus on funding those researchers in the early stages of their careers, who – through their work – will advance the quality of healthcare in the Wellington region and beyond.
Role of the Foundation
Research For Life (Wellington Medical Research Foundation) is dedicated to supporting and encouraging young, talented people to engage in medical and biomedical research.
The Foundation considers appropriate applications from all individuals and research groups in the Wellington region. We currently lend our support to the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research; Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Biological Sciences; the University of Otago, Wellington - School of Medicine and Health Sciences; Massey University, Wellington; and ESR (The Institute of Environmental Science and Research).
The need for medical research
Major discoveries in medicine have been made and continue to be made through fundamental and applied research. By funding such research, we aim to be at the forefront of medical knowledge and technical ability.
Achievements of the Foundation
The Foundation has funded work in many areas, including research into the basic understanding of cancer, kidney disease and conditions of particular concern in the Wellington region, such as asthma.
The Wellington Medical Research Foundation is a registered charity, registration number: CC10659