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The March 2018 medical research funding round is calling for applications

The March 2018 medical research funding round is calling for applications


As happens twice a year, there is good news for many medical researchers in the Wellington region.

Last October we announced that nine Wellington-based medical researchers had received grants in the second funding round of the year from Research For Life. Three research grant applicants received a total of $62,914.00 to undertake innovative medical research and three travel grants totalling $8,812.00 were approved to assist local researchers meet the cost of presenting their research findings at international conferences. That followed eleven researchers who received funding in the March 2017 round.

Now the March 2018 application round is not far away and we're urging the region's medical researchers to get their applications in before the deadline on 23 March 2018. That way Research For Life can continue to support innovative quality research with a focus on funding those researchers in the early stages of their careers.


Medical research is identified by the United Nations as one of the three critical missions for humanity in every country and region because it consistently advances the health, education and wellbeing of citizens.

By working with Research For Life on some significant health problems, you help us to make it possible for people to live healthier, longer and more fulfilling lives.

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