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Susannah Batley joins the Research For Life Board

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Wellington Investment Banker Susannah Batley has accepted an invitation to join the Research for Life board.

Research For Life’s chairman Dr Lance Lawler said, “Susannah is a talented young professional and her experience in the financial services sector will bring complementary skills and valuable new perspectives to our board.  She is enthusiastic about not only contributing to Research For Life but to helping us advance the quality of healthcare in the Wellington region and beyond.”

Susannah has been with investment banking firm Cameron Partners in the position of Associate since 2014.  She has advised on a number of engagements across different sectors, providing support on various M&A transactions, public takeovers, capital raisings and other corporate advisory assignments.

“Susannah is looking forward to becoming actively involved in Research For Life in a governance capacity and Cameron Partners is delighted to support her in this voluntary role.”

Susannah holds a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration in Economics and Finance with First Class Honours and a Bachelor of Arts in Italian from Victoria University of Wellington.

She joins existing Trustees Dr Lance Lawler, Peter Barker, Professor Brett Delahunt, Associate Professor Rebecca Grainger, Rob McGregor, Richard Simpson, Professor John Nacey and Gaeline Phipps.

Established in 1960, Research For Life funds innovative quality research undertaken by researchers in the early stages of their careers.

Last year, Research For Life approved 11 research grants and 10 travel grants constituting a total of $203,698 available to researchers. Grant recipients were from several Wellington institutions including the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research, Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Biological Sciences, the University of Otago’s Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Massey University Wellington and ESR (The Institute of Environmental Science and Research).

“While Research For Life’s primary role is to provide grants to young and emerging researchers who undertake medical and biomedical research that is vital to continuing improvements in health outcomes in the community, we are also looking to broaden our support base in order to enhance our ability to work in partnership with the research community and increase the number of grants we make to local researchers,” Lance Lawler said.



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