Launch of the very first Research For Life Annual Appeal
POSTED 19 October 2016
This was a small but very significant event in the life of Research For Life (RFL) - the launch of the first Annual Appeal at the Wellington Club on Thursday 13 October 2016.

Hosted by Professor John Nacey (President and Chair of RFL), with board member Rob McGregor acting as MC, the 50 plus guests were told that Research For Life was ambitiously planning to double the number of grants it made annually. In order to do that, the good work of many researchers in the Wellington region needed public support.

Minister of Health Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman spoke strongly in support of medical research in New Zealand, and expressed full support for Research For Life and its ambitions to grow. He also outlined the governments increasing commitment to fundamental medical research, especially as it was part of a focus on improving New Zealand's science and technology capabilities, particularly in research.

It was reported afterwards that a number of significant donations were pledged from those attending the launch.
See the picture gallery from the event here.
See the online page displaying the mailing brochure for the Annual Appeal here.
The Research For Life Annual Appeal runs from 17 October 2016. Look out for a mailing and Dominion Post advertising.
Please donate generously here.