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Thinking about thinking

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I’ve been thinking a lot about thinking lately. There is a great quote from Henry Ford ‘Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it’. I can definitely relate to the first part and absolutely fall into the second. I’m much more of a doer then a thinker, which is ironic considering I’m in an academic environment. My ‘job’ (still a student) relies heavily on my brain working hard: lots of planning, critical analyses- thinking. It can be very mentally draining.

Despite its important role, I’ve come to realize how little time I give to thinking. It’s very easy to have a day full of meetings and activity. I wonder how much more would be explored, potentially discovered, if we allowed some open space to brainstorm, innovate- think!

As I start to enter into the part of my PhD where there is less doing and more writing (thus thinking), I want to be aware of what I’m thinking about. The science has been around for long time showing just how much impact our thoughts have on our health; both mental and physical. Life is too short to let things just ‘happen’ without being intentional.

Who knows what might end up on this blog as a result of allowing time to think! On that note, please let me know what you would like to read about. Time is valuable and as such, what you are reading needs to be something you enjoy and want.

Last quote, ‘Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking’- Albert Einstein.

This post is a personal view and not necessarily reflective of the views of any other people or organisations, including the Malaghan Institute.

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