Reports of research work funded by grants prior to 2015
University of Otago Wellington
Energy Income and Expenditure Before and After Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Treatment for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
AJ Campbell, AM Neill
Department of Medicine
Supply of two Sensewear devices for the above project. Plus costs to visit patients at home. This project forms the dissertation for a Masters of Dietetics student and will be completed by the end November 2015 (12 month project as per the original application).
Senswear Device
There have been delays in obtaining the device due to a new model being released and unable to be promptly sourced. However with the use of a company demo unint the study has started and the student started work on 15 June 2015.
Current status
N=4 Four subjects have been recruited and baseline data has been obtained. This includes: sleep diary, food diary and Sensewear activity over three days/nights. An example of the Sensewear device report is attached.
We are confident of being able to complete the study in the timeframe despite the setbacks with equipment purchase and hope to have secured our own devices shortly.
Fig. 1. Sensewear download
Example of one night of energy data from a patient without CPAP (until 2.15am) and with CPAP 2.15am – 6.00am